JJ PV SOLAR manufactures High quality Crystalline panels from 10W to 300W with highly advance and automatic production facility in collaboration with European technology providers.
Our Team has decades of experience and expertise in design and manufacturing Solar modules Solar Cells Solar Street Light Solar Water Pump Solar Home Lighting Solution and complete solar PV industry. A unique development approach & innovative proprietary processes that enable us to deliver leading edge solar module performance while cutting the cost of the PV value chain.
Our products meet IEC 61215 IEC 61730 and IEC 61701 standards and certified by TUV Intercert Germany and tested & Recognized by Eurofins Modulo Uno SpA Italy.
JJ PV SOLAR is a reputed supplier of grid connected / off grid solar power systems / packs solar AC/DC surface and submersible water pump solar street light customized system with inverter battery and charge controller.
JJ PV SOLAR offers complete Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Services with TURNKEY Solution from concept to commissioning of solar power plant and projects of any size in India as well as in Asia Africa Europe Gulf and American countries.
We follow and certified with ISO 9001 : 2008 and ISO 14001 : 2004 standards.
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Surat, Gujarat